Sunday, 8 May 2016

Simple Techniques to Leading a Positive Life Through Mindfulness

Studies have shown that most people are either thinking about past events or planning for the future and this thought process can account for up to 45% of all our day to day thoughts. How crazy is it that almost 50% of of our lives are spent outside of the moment. Maybe its why we have come to love the Snapchat and Instagrams' of the world, as we can revisit the moments we mentally weren't being present in?

A great way to cultivate an emotionally and mentally healthy lifestyle is through the practice of Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. Involving the observation of ones' thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Living mindfully means to live in the moment, fully aware of the present experience.

Mindfulness does not require you to make a total life overhaul, we can all benefit from slowing down and truly being aware of our current experiences. Just small changes here and there can bring about greater positivity and peace of mind. Those of us (myself included) who are prone to anxiety, stress or depression about an uncertain future or a longing for the past can set ourselves the daily task of being more mindful and see the benefits begin to manifest.

If you are a complete beginner in the school of Mindfulness, Leo Babauta of  Zen Habits, has broken down 12 mindful techniques into practical applicable steps below:

  1. Meditation. Meditation is where mindful living starts. And it’s not complicated: you can sit still for even just 1 minute a day to start with (work up to 3-5 minutes after a week), and turn your attention to your body and then your breath. Notice when your thoughts wander from your breath, and gently return to the breath. Repeat until the minute is up.