Thursday, 28 July 2016

The perfect breakfast for people with depression

Culled from:

Antidepressants and therapy, while both effective, are not the only means available to combat depression. Exercise has been described as a “wonder drug” for reducing symptoms, walking in nature reduces negative thoughts, and meditation can have a powerful positive effect.
But there’s another, often overlooked, way to help reduce depression: Food.

Our brain relies on nutrients to work effectively and studies have found that Omega-3, amino acids, B vitamins, Vitamin D, and minerals like zinc, magnesium and iron help create strong mental health. The Mediterranean diet, with its abundance of olive oil and leafy vegetables, contains many of these nutrients. One study of more than 15,000 people over 10 years found that those who followed the Mediterranean diet had a lower risk of depression.

Growing Like a Chinese Bamboo Tree

This year like last, I chose to have a word define my year; that word was 'Growth'. 

Very much inspired by the story of the Chinese Bamboo Tree, when ever I find myself getting off path I like to re-read the story. I constantly remind myself that even when it looks like nothing is happening I am growing and one day I will wake up and things will have changed.

Oyindamola Fakeye
Founder Sound Mind Africa

How Does A Chinese Bamboo Tree Grow?