Saturday, 8 October 2016

2016 World Mental Health Day Theme 'Psychological First Aid'

When terrible things happen in our communities, we can reach out a helping hand to those who are affected. Perhaps you find yourself at the scene of an accident where people are hurt. Perhaps you are a health-care worker or teacher talking with someone from your community who has just witnessed the violent death of a loved one. Perhaps you are called upon as a staff member in a disaster or volunteer to help asylum seekers who have recently arrived in your community. Learning the basic principles of psychological first aid will help you to provide support to people who are very distressed, and, importantly, to know what not to say.

The theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day, observed on 10 October, covers “psychological first aid”. Efforts in support of the day will focus on basic pragmatic psychological support by people who find themselves in a helping role whether they are health staff, teachers, firemen, community workers, or police officers.


'Safe Place' The First Women's Only Mental Health Support Group In Nigeria

Finally there is a Safe Place you can talk without fear and be heard without judgement. She Writes Woman presents the first mental health support group in Nigeria. With an increase in the suicide rate in Nigeria, untreated cases of mental disorders, coupled with high cost of Cognitive Behavioural Therary (CBT) and medications, support groups have proven to be a cheaper alternative for people living with mental disorders, and those caring for them.

Safe Place is a stigma-free environment where the above mentioned groups share ideas, information and tips for the benefit of the group. It promises to offer help and hope for warriors of mental health by drawing strength from the group, accountability partners, group exercises and much more. We believe that help is near and hope is real. We are a community in healing, holding each others hands on the road to recovery.

Need a Safe Place? Sign up here - Https://

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Sound Mind Africa'There is Hope There is Help' message for Suicide Prevention Day 2016

I was saddened to hear of two suicides in the same day here in Lagos. Both men, both dealing with a sense of hopelessness both determined to end their lives. Unfortunately countless women and men are turning to suicide as an answer to their problems.

I do not know these men nor do I know how long they battled with their decision to give up on life, but I do understand that we are going through a season of troubled times and for some, life's burdens can seem unbearable.

The truth is that nothing lasts forever. Situations change, feelings evolve and often with time comes the answer to our troubles. My hope is to do what is in my power to steer anyone in a similar situation towards help. As such feel free to share the details of organisations ( I can vouch for)and help me to build up a more comprehensive guide by emailing me at

Self Help Resources:

1. Shadow's in The Mirror by Dr Vivian Ikem
Online Purchase:

Quintessence Park View Lagos Nigeria

OBGLR D16 Eko Court, Kofo Abayomi, Lagos Nigeria

2. Dream Chaser... The power of Purpose and Self esteem
E-course: CourseCraft

3. Depression Test
Free online Test: Do I have Depression?


She Writes Woman Helpline: +234 8174913329

Mental health Professionals:

1. Dr Ayomide Adebayo

2. Dr Maymuna Kadiri
Pinnacle Medical Services
08099731259; 08033043863
5, Gbangbala Street Off Oba Elegushi Street, Ikate, Lekki Pennisula, Lagos Nigeria

I will endeavor to update this list regularly:

If you or anyone you know have any other recommendations please do email me at and I will update the list upon confirming the merit of each organisation.

Friday, 2 September 2016

FREE Dreamchaser Course

Our mission as an organisation is to build and encourage others and we've designed a free Dream Chaser E-Course to help do just that.

Each section is emailed out to you daily, combining a daily focus, affirmation and call to action. You are free to work at your own pace and we are available if you have any questions or need someone to talk over your goals with.

For more info or to sign up click here: Dream Chaser E-Course

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

4 Steps to Happiness by Brian Tracy

When unexpected problems and circumstances arise, what matters most is how you react to them.

Here's four things you can do to assure that your attitude is the very best it can be, under all circumstances.

Focus On the Future

First, whatever challenges you face, focus on the future rather than on the past. Instead of worrying about who did what and who's to blame, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do.

Get a clear mental image of your ideal successful future, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on the future.

Think About the Solution

Second, whenever you're faced with a difficulty, focus on the solution rather than on the problem. Think and talk about the ideal solution to the obstacle or setback, rather than wasting time rehashing the problem. Solutions are inherently positive, whereas problems are inherently negative. The instant that you begin thinking in terms of solutions, you become positive and immediately take action on resolving the issue.

Look For the Good

Thursday, 28 July 2016

The perfect breakfast for people with depression

Culled from:

Antidepressants and therapy, while both effective, are not the only means available to combat depression. Exercise has been described as a “wonder drug” for reducing symptoms, walking in nature reduces negative thoughts, and meditation can have a powerful positive effect.
But there’s another, often overlooked, way to help reduce depression: Food.

Our brain relies on nutrients to work effectively and studies have found that Omega-3, amino acids, B vitamins, Vitamin D, and minerals like zinc, magnesium and iron help create strong mental health. The Mediterranean diet, with its abundance of olive oil and leafy vegetables, contains many of these nutrients. One study of more than 15,000 people over 10 years found that those who followed the Mediterranean diet had a lower risk of depression.

Growing Like a Chinese Bamboo Tree

This year like last, I chose to have a word define my year; that word was 'Growth'. 

Very much inspired by the story of the Chinese Bamboo Tree, when ever I find myself getting off path I like to re-read the story. I constantly remind myself that even when it looks like nothing is happening I am growing and one day I will wake up and things will have changed.

Oyindamola Fakeye
Founder Sound Mind Africa

How Does A Chinese Bamboo Tree Grow?

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Free Mid Year Motivation Resources

We are just about to hit our 6 month mark as June comes to an end, so what better time to review how you are progressing and reevaluate some of the goals you set for yourself  at the beginning of the year?

If you are feeling slightly underwhelmed by your progress and need a little bit of a push in the right direction, or  if like some of us life has taken you on a different path than you had imagined, then take this opportunity to sign up for our FREE Dream Chaser course.

The course is emailed to you daily and you are free to work at your own pace. You can work with your already defined goals or use this time to introduce new goals, using simple exercises and affirmations to direct you.

Feeling like one has lost control/ direction of one's life has often been linked to mental health issues such as Stress, Anxiety, Depression, OCD and Eating Disorders. We first ran this course last year and had a really good response which led to to the re-release. Lets make the second half of the year much more intentional and regain control over our lives.

More information and sign up form here: Dream Chaser

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Simple Techniques to Leading a Positive Life Through Mindfulness

Studies have shown that most people are either thinking about past events or planning for the future and this thought process can account for up to 45% of all our day to day thoughts. How crazy is it that almost 50% of of our lives are spent outside of the moment. Maybe its why we have come to love the Snapchat and Instagrams' of the world, as we can revisit the moments we mentally weren't being present in?

A great way to cultivate an emotionally and mentally healthy lifestyle is through the practice of Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. Involving the observation of ones' thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Living mindfully means to live in the moment, fully aware of the present experience.

Mindfulness does not require you to make a total life overhaul, we can all benefit from slowing down and truly being aware of our current experiences. Just small changes here and there can bring about greater positivity and peace of mind. Those of us (myself included) who are prone to anxiety, stress or depression about an uncertain future or a longing for the past can set ourselves the daily task of being more mindful and see the benefits begin to manifest.

If you are a complete beginner in the school of Mindfulness, Leo Babauta of  Zen Habits, has broken down 12 mindful techniques into practical applicable steps below:

  1. Meditation. Meditation is where mindful living starts. And it’s not complicated: you can sit still for even just 1 minute a day to start with (work up to 3-5 minutes after a week), and turn your attention to your body and then your breath. Notice when your thoughts wander from your breath, and gently return to the breath. Repeat until the minute is up.